When it comes to home improvement projects that address energy efficiency, sustainability, and having a positive environmental impact, there is a significant amount of interest among homeowners in the U.S. based on our latest findings in our Healthy & Safe Home and Environmental & Energy Performance Attitudes Report, produced in partnership with the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies.
About 30% of homeowners are not only aware of their home’s environmental and energy performance, but also express concern. Homeowners are interested in tackling projects like installing energy-efficient doors and windows, incorporating electric stoves and cooktops, adding solar components, and improving sealing and insulation.
On the flip side, the current cost of living crisis is a notable barrier to concerned homeowners being willing or able to take the actions they want in terms of green home improvements. Other needs may take top priority.
As manufacturers and suppliers look toward maintaining or increasing their presence in this market, it’s important to be aware of customers’ attitudes and opinions about energy performance and environmental impact, as well as how those intersect with their growing concern about increasing costs—not only in the home improvement industry but across the board.
What are Trending Homeowner Attitudes and Opinions Toward Energy Efficiency and Sustainability?
Homeowners’ attitudes and opinions shape their actions, from where they shop and the products they purchase to the home improvement activities they complete. Their perspectives provide crucial information for manufacturers to be able to plan for the future in a competitive market.
Based on our research, here are some of the trending homeowner attitudes and opinions toward environmental and energy performance:
1. 1 in 3 Homeowners Share Energy and Sustainability Concerns
About a third of homeowners have concerns about their home’s environmental or energy performance. Of those concerned, nearly half have moderate to major concern for their home’s green issues. However, there continues to be a level of uncertainty about energy efficiency and sustainability topics. Almost a quarter of homeowners (23%) are unsure of any environmental or energy performance issues in their home.

2. Environmental Energy Concerns Vary Among Demographics
Demographic traits influence concerns about energy and environmental performances, some more than others, according to our research. For example, gender does not have a large influence, with about 33% of female homeowners reporting concern, and 34% of male homeowners. However, age, education level, and whether or not there are children in the home do affect levels of concern. About 44% of homeowners in the 35- to 54-year-old age range expressed concerns, compared to only 32% of those younger than 35 and 26% of those 55 and older. Nearly half of individuals with children still living in the home expressed concerns, compared to 29% of those without children at home. Lastly, the percentage of homeowners who are concerned about environmental and energy performance increases with the level of education they’ve achieved, with 44% of those with a graduate degree showing interest.
3. Energy Waste and Energy Costs are Top Issues of Concern
For those currently focused on environmental and energy issues related to their housing, energy costs and wasteful energy use are the primary issues of concern, referenced by 88% and 85% of homeowners, respectively. More than two-thirds also care about the quality of their indoor temperature and ventilation, and 66% are concerned about water use and waste. More than half care about building materials use and waste. Other issues of concern include greenhouse gas emissions; lack of walkability or public transportation; and “other” environmental or energy performance issues.

4. Home Operating Costs Drive Homeowner Concern
BIMBy and far, the reason behind homeowners’ concerns about environmental and energy issues has to do with increases in utility bills or overall home operating costs. Three out of four homeowners listed this as a reason for concern. In comparison, the second highest reason—advertising energy efficient or environmental products for homes—was acknowledged by only 34% of respondents. Other reasons for concern that were mentioned include having seen something on the Internet, television or other media about energy and the environment; a friend, relative or neighbor bringing it to their attention; or a building inspector, contractor, or other trade professional bringing it to their attention. The overwhelming emphasis on costs speaks to the financial pressure homeowners are currently experiencing, in light of inflation, the increasing cost of living, and other micro- and macroeconomic issues.
5. Energy-Efficient Windows and Doors, Air Sealing and Insulation are Top Green Home Activities
The top green building projects completed by contractors in the past year include installation of energy-efficient windows and doors, as well as general or advanced air sealing and insulation. About 32% installed energy efficient windows and doors, and 36% are planning to do so in the next year.
Additionally, about one-third of homeowners installed an electric stove, cooktop, range or oven in the past year, but only 20% have intention to do that type of project in the future.
Meanwhile, interest around solar energy has spiked. Only 14% of individuals completed solar projects over the past year, but 33% plan to in the near future. There is also significant attention around home improvement activities to improve the quantity/type of light in the home; addressing general or advanced air sealing and insulation; updating ventilation control systems and programmable thermostats; and installing tankless water heaters.
6. Homeowners Rely on Internet Research and Referrals for Environmental or Energy Information
Homeowners gather information about green homes, projects and materials from a variety of sources. However, Internet searches are the top source of information, used by more than half of homeowners. The second most popular information source is through word-of-mouth, or referrals from family, friends and neighbors. Social media and home improvement shows are both utilized by nearly one third of homeowners. Because web searches are highly preferred, manufacturers should prioritize maintaining accurate, current, and digestible information about green projects and products on their company websites. Utilizing social media platforms for advertising or sharing project tips and product details is also a way to ensure homeowners have access to useful information.

7. High Prices and Affordability are Barriers to Green Projects
Although there is significant interest around completing green home improvement projects to address energy and environmental concerns, homeowners also face a number of barriers. Taking these into consideration when developing and marketing eco-friendly products and materials is critical for manufacturers and retailers dealing in this sector. The main constraint for green home remodeling is the high costs associated with projects and products and materials. In general, more than two-thirds of homeowners are deterred by the issue of affordability, and 24% feel they won’t be able to obtain necessary financing. In comparison, 33% of homeowners perceive lack of time as an obstacle for completing a planned project and 18% feel it’s inconvenient for their household at this time. To address this concern, manufacturers and other stakeholders can serve as a resource for interested homeowners to learn about potential financing options or energy-related government assistance for residential projects, such as the residential clean energy credit, PowerSaver, and the Rural Energy for American Program.
Preparing to Meet Demand for Green Home Improvement Activities
As your building materials company evolves to address this growing adoption, consider what questions you need answered about your customer, your brand, your products, and your specific market through customized market research. The Farnsworth Group specializes in findings for the home improvement industry including insights into customer usage, attitudes and motivations, market sizing, product development and how you can better position your brand in your particular market.