Product Development

From exploration to concept validation to pricing and messaging strategy, each phase of Product Development requires market insights that will result in a successful launch. Gain more product acceptance and increase sales by understanding customer pain points, feature & benefit preference, and packaging for a new or enhanced product. This research informs decisions needed at each stage of product development.

Product Development research can save you time and money during the development and launch of a new product. Our product development research approach aligns with your stage gate planning process by utilizing qualitative and quantitative methods where appropriate.

You must understand the problem you're trying to solve, evaluate product opportunities within your category and define a marketing strategy to impact product adoption.

Our approach provides information on each of these stages — from product ideation to concept validation to price elasticity and messaging.

Insights Include:



Uncover uses, needs & opportunities

During the discovery stage, we start by talking to respondents about their product selection process. Who chooses their products? Who is the best target for sales and marketing? Do they consult with anyone else? This ensures we talk with the ideal target and helps inform target marketing strategy.

Then we look at how customers are using the product, including where, when and why. Do the current products available meet all of their needs? What don’t they like about the product? What improvements do they want? What solutions have they implemented to solve for shortcomings of the product?  Through cluster analysis, we identify potential concepts and needs that guide concept strategies.

Discovery includes the following features:

  • Influences/Resources: Determine who and what is involved in the decision process
  • Product Behaviors/Uses: Identifies common product uses in the market
  • Challenges/Needs: Identifies common issues and solutions with the product
  • Ideation of Solutions: Utilizes groupthink to build on ideas that may benefit users


Concept Testing

Evaluate which ideas are worth pursuing & investing

During the concept testing stage, we evaluate what customers think about your product concepts to determine which concepts have a higher rate of acceptance and what improvements should be made. Which concept is preferred and why? How or where would they use it?  Which features resonate most? What are the perceived benefits? Would they be willing to try the concept? What can be improved to better meet their needs? And how likely would they be to buy this product?

Through use of various research methods such as Product Usage Trials, MaxDiff Scaling, A/B Testing or Monadic Testing, we apply proven techniques that result in clear recommendations for the most successful concept in the marketplace.  You will know which concept stands out, why and what modifications will further increase adoption rates.

Concept Testing includes the following features:

  • Concept Perceptions: Identifies pros and cons common among users as well as areas of information still needed
  • Preference: Rating and ranking of product features and perceived benefits along with ranking value statements
  • Intent to Try and Buy: Metric used to determine the potential in-market success


Pricing Elasticity and Feature Valuation

Know how features impact purchase intent & price

During the pricing elasticity and feature valuation stage, we utilize research methods and modeling to provide recommendations on which combinations of features are most desired and at which price points. The result is a product and pricing strategy customized to increase your sales. How much do features impact product preference? How much would they be willing to pay for this product? What is the ideal set of features to include on the product?

Pricing Elasticity and Feature Valuation includes the following features:

  • Feature Combination Preference: Determines which features drive preference and how much impact each feature has on preference and pricing
  • Price Modeling: Allows you to understand purchase intent at various price points across different feature combinations to build a feature set that maximizes sales

Don't Stake Your Decisions on Bad Data

In these real research projects, you can clearly see where the recommendations given to the client would have been wrong had our team not gone through The Farnsworth Group's industry leading approach to data quality and cleansing, which is necessary to rid erroneous responses from our clients' data set.
Here's what we found:


Learn More About Our Process

Define & Customize

Qualify & Collect

Analysis & Action

We bring industry and category knowledge to your project, which gives you a head start by allowing us to start discussing your specific needs. Through our in-depth conversations, we’ll define a customized research approach that will produce detailed insights to drive informed strategic decisions. We’ll survey targeted, pre-screened, tightly-profiled respondents, and use their answers to analyze the data and build your report. We then apply over 150 years of combined industry knowledge to bring a deeper level of analysis and recommendations. You end up with data-driven insights supported by industry expertise that provide you with actionable recommendations.

Learn more
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Learn More About Other Custom Research to Conduct

Brand Health

Evaluate brand metrics, perceptions & competition to improve your brand position.


Customer Usage & Attitude

Gain a fundamental understanding of customers in your market for a particular product.  


Market Sizing

Evaluate market size to see if you can expand or improve in a select month.